Joining OLKA 2020
Wednesday July 8th 2020Al Azhar 55 Yogyakarta Brought Home 3 Trophies
This year, Al Azhar 55 Yogyakarta retook part in the annually held OLKA that took place at SD Islam Al Azhar 19 Sentra Primer, East Jakarta. Al Azhar 55 sent 9 students to compete in its second participation.
The nine selected students were Dimas Excell (Junior Da’i), Aisyah Aqila Fildza (MHQ), Kenan Adi Nugraha (Science), Kenes Pelipurlara Putri (Solo Vocal), M. Irsyad Athaya (IT), Langit Ar Abrar Rafa K. (Math), Calya Raissa Kirani (CCA), Sheikha Zahira Zuhra (Story Telling) and Kirana Parahita Rivai (Poetry Reading). These
students were trained by a teacher specializing in each field, and went to a ‘quarantine’ for 2 days to feel the competition atmosphere as well as to adapt to a new environment.
Ibu Iyut Ayudya stated that a competition like OLKA is an event where we can prove how far our students can compete among students of Al Azhar schools all around Indonesia. It is also a moment to find out the position of Al Azhar 55 among the other Al Azhar schools which was established before it was.
After fighting in a very tight competition, this year (2020), Al Azhar 55 brought home 3 trophies; Story Telling (4th place), MHQ (6th place) and Solo Vocal (top 10). This success is supposed to trigger the students, parents and school in facing OLKA in the following years.