A GLANCE | Al-Azhar 55 Primary Islamic School



Thursday October 10th 2024

Dear Al Azhar 55 Islamic Primary School Community,

As we reflect on the academic year that has passed from July 2023 to June 2024, I am filled with profound gratitude for the smooth journey of learning and growth we have experienced together. It has been a year marked by remarkable achievements and exciting milestones for our school.

First and foremost, we embraced the highest level of freedom in curriculum delivery with the implementation of the “Mandiri Berbagi” curriculum model, which proved to be innovative and empowering for our students. We also celebrated our inaugural school camping experience, joined the Association of National and Private Schools (ANPS), and successfully advocated for the addition of new classrooms for Grade 1, enhancing our learning environment significantly.

The recognition we received through the School Operational Assistance (BOS Kinerja) and the exceptional performance in the Cambridge Checkpoint Test 2023, surpassing international averages, further underscored the dedication and diligence of our students and educators. We are particularly proud of the positive national educational assessments (Asesmen Nasional) highlighting improvements in literacy and numeracy skills.

Our students also shone brightly in various academic, artistic, and sporting competitions, demonstrating their talents and commitment. Notably, one of our students’ works was copyrighted by the Ministry, a testament to our students’ creativity and ingenuity. Our school has emerged as a role model within the Al Azhar network nationwide, showcasing excellence in international education provision and standards.

I extend heartfelt thanks to our students, teachers, parents, and all stakeholders involved in nurturing our children’s development and success throughout the year. Your dedication and support have been instrumental in our achievements.

Looking ahead, we anticipate exciting challenges, including the relocation of our school to a new integrated facility, expanding Grade 1 classes, and the comprehensive implementation of the National Curriculum across all levels. As we plan for the future, I humbly request your prayers and support for the continued success and fulfillment of our endeavors.

I look forward to our continued partnership and growth in the upcoming academic year 2024-2025.

Warm regards,

Miftakhur Risal, M.A. 



Prof. Dra. Hj. Suwarsih Madya, M.A., Ph.D.


Amidst the globalized situation which poses challenges of which one is a possible threat to identity, yet provides ample opportunities to excel for those who possess the prerequisites, we need to equip our children as the continuing generation with necessary competencies—affective, cognitive, psychomotor and interactive. In other words, we need to help them grow and develop into total persons and this can be achieved through the whole-child development approach which ensures the development of all potentials.  In addition to this is the need for developing some competence which enables the children to communicate    globally. All of this will ensure that the children will develop their citizenships both at the national and global levels. How can this ideal development be realized?

If you want to find out about how efforts are made to develop children’s whole potentials, you can come to SD Islam Al Azhar 55 Yogyakarta. Here you can see how the four-year old school has grown fast due to the stakeholders’ trust to send their children to study here. With only 54 children in the first year, this school now has 185 students. These students are educated to respect and preserve the social-cultural environment by learning the local language (Javanese, including the script) and arts (dance). Simultaneously, they certainly learn the national language (Bahasa Indonesia) and national content, which is unquestionable since it is compulsory, and English, which has now become a global lingua franca; thus, a prerequisite for successful global communication.  More importantly, children in this school also learn to practise their religion consistently. So, in this school children’s identity is rooted in the local culture, with nationalism and global awareness being inherently developed together with reliogiosity.

Does the whole-child development approach at SD Islam Al Azhar still give room for children to excel? In my belief, when all their potentials are developed, children will have a greater chance to excel and I can see the truth in my belief in this primary school. In the last two years, the students have made great achievements in various competitions held at the local and national levels–gold medals in English, math and science competitions (national), silver and bronze medals in IT competitions (national), silver and bronze medals at colouring and swimming competitions (local) to mention some.

In conclusion, SD Islam Al Azhar has given evidence of the right efforts of true education to develop both intelligence and character.

Prof. DR. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr. Sc.

Testimoni Sebagai Orang tua menyekolahkan anak Di Al-Azhar 55

Sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi orang tua untuk memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik bagi putra putrinya. Tantangan untuk mendidik anak di Era Global dan Digital pun semakin besar, kita tidak bisa lagi membendung segala perubahan yang begitu cepat terjadi, dan harus mempersiapkan anak-anak supaya bisa survive dan sholeh/sholehah tentunya. Saat ini dunia bagaikan kampung, dimana tidak ada batas-batas untuk melakukan transaksi kehidupan, untuk itu anak harus bisa berkomunikasi dengan bahasa universal sebagai modal utama. Disamping itu, pendidikah Ahlak dan Aqidah harus diberikan secara dini sebagai dasar anak dalam menghadapi gejolak gelombang kehidupan. Atas pertimbangan tersebutlah, kami selaku orang tua memilih untuk menyekolahkan putra kami tercinta Hikari di Sekolah Islam, yang menggunakan dua bahasa pengantar, yaitu Al-Azhar 55.

Prof. DR. Budi S.Daryono, M.Agr. Sc.

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Padjajaran Street (North Ringroad) Sinduadi, Sleman - Special Region of Yogyakarta
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